Product Development Manager (Automotive/Tan Binh)ID:23275

50,000,000 VND ~ 60,000,000 VNDTan Binhkhoảng 1 tháng trước

Tổng quan

  • Mức lương

    50,000,000 VND ~ 60,000,000 VND

  • Ngành


  • Mô tả công việc

    One of our clients, which manufactures the automotive, is now looking for PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER

    ■Job description(details)
    - Conduct market research and analyze competitors to understand market need sand trends.
    - Understand customer wants and needs for VN customers and research the feasibility of new models in the market
    - Submit proposals for new models and services based on market research.
    - In the proposal, describe the features and functions of the product, pricing, target customers, etc.
    - Manage the development process.
    - Cooperate with other departments, get them to understand the product concept, and follow up on prototyping, testing, quality
    control, etc.
    - Understand the progress of the project and proactively proceed with the project on schedule
    - Manage the budget and timeline for model development.
    - Collaborate with Purchasing, Production, QC/QA, etc., and cooperate with the team to proceed with development.
    - Evaluate tests and prototypes and have each department respond appropriately to any quality issues.
    - If a problem occurs, cooperate with Service Dept.
    - Clarify the features and points of differentiation of each automobile model, and let the Sales and Marketing staffs understand them.
    - Develop launch strategies when introducing a new model to the market and evaluate the effect after the model is introduced.
    - Analyze evaluation results and make improvements in the PDCA cycle.

    ■Company/Job Attraction
    - One of the most famous automakers in Vietnam. Stable and continuous working environment
    ‐ Having a good work environment

Trình độ

  • Yêu cầu

    - Not Job Hopper
    - Bachelor’s degree
    (Prefer: Major in Automotive Engineering or related fields)
    - English Level: Upper-intermediate level
    - At least 5 years of working experience in Japanese car-makers
    - At least 3 years of working experience as Product Development Staff
    - At least 3 years of management experience

    - Used to work as a mechanic

  • Tiếng Anh

    Upper-Intermediate Level

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