Trưởng Ban BP. Sản Xuất Lắp RápID:11244

14,000,000 VND ~ 16,000,000 VNDDist 9Hơn 3 tháng trước hoặc lâu hơn

Tổng quan

  • Mức lương

    14,000,000 VND ~ 16,000,000 VND

  • Ngành


  • Mô tả công việc

    - Liaise with other managers to formulate objectives and understand requirements
    - Estimate costs and prepare budgets
    - Organize workflow to meet specifications and deadlines
    - Monitor production to resolve issues
    - Supervise and evaluate performance of production personnel (quality inspectors, workers etc.)
    - Determine amount of necessary resources (workforce, raw materials etc.)
    - Approve maintenance work, purchasing of equipment etc.
    - Ensure output meets quality standards
    - Enforce health and safety precautions

Trình độ

  • Yêu cầu

    - Education: University, major: Mechanical/ Electronics
    - Experience:
    + 3+ year management experience
    + 5 years working experience in assembling products
    - Language: Japanese (N3 or equivalent), and English (TOEIC 500)

  • Tiếng Anh

    Doesn’t matter

  • Ngôn ngữ khác
