【Posting Closed】 【日系鉄鋼商社】営業マネージャー(語学不問!)ID:24068
This position is no longer available.
2,500 USD ~ 3,500 USDHanoiOver 3 months agoOverview
2,500 USD ~ 3,500 USD
Job Description
・海外営業経験English Level
Doesn’t matter
Other Language
Additional Information
・PC、SIM貸与Working Hour
7:30 ~ 16:00
Sat, Sun, National Holidays
Job Function
Related Jobs
Sales Engineer (HN)ID:24458
20,000,000 VND ~ 25,000,000 VNDHanoiJob Function
Other, Sales Corporate, Customer Success, Sales Individual, Sales Distributor, Business Development
Job Description
【Job Summary】- In charge of sales related work at the company【Job description】- Carry out the company's business activities; report directly to the Japanese boss (the company's business products include knives, cutting tools of Mitsubishi Material and equipment, machinery, and industrial oils). Specifically:- Take care of existing customers, search for new customers (mainly search for new customers)- Work with suppliers (Mitsubishi knife and other companies), search for other suppliers to meet customers' goods needs- Provide technical advice to customers (with the company's support)- Create documents related to sales such as quotes, orders, delivery records, etc. (admin support if needed)- Track orders, handle arising customer issues- Remind customers to collect debts, etc.【Company/Job Attraction】- Opportunity to learn and improve your skill with international standards.- Professional, dynamic working environment (100% Japan)
- Social insurance
- Health insurance
- 13months salary
- Transportation allowance when visit client
- Business trip fee
- Telephone and Laptop allowance
- Allowance for children under 6 years old
- Annual salary increase review
- Bonus according to the company's capacity and business situation, at least 1 month's salary before Tet[HN] Sale Engineer staff ID:25465
-HanoiJob Function
Telesales, Other, Telemarketing, Sales Corporate, Customer Success, Sales Individual, Account Executive, Sales Distributor, Business Development, Medical Representative
Job Description
【Job Summary】- Responsible for taking care of current clients, expanding new clients, and other sales activities【Main responsibilities】- Build customer goodwill, and develop, and maintain a professional sales approach.- Seeking opportunity to expand trading products with current and new customers.- Get new inquiries, make a proposal for clients, get competitor’s information- Making quotations, negotiating, and convincing the customer - Communicate about customer demand to related internal departments and motivate them - Persuade client in technical understanding of products and their application.- Weekly & monthly reports to Sales Manager and other tasks assigned by GD【Company/Job Attraction】- Japanese environment (professional)- Full benefits package- Nice background for the future career path
- Pay insurance follow Labour Law, Premium healthcare insurance
- Health check up every year
- 13th salary and bonus
- Working from Monday – Friday
- Other allowances base on Company policySales Staff (N2/Hanoi/Metal Processing Trading)ID:25165
25,000,000 VND ~ 27,000,000 VNDHanoiJob Function
Sales Corporate
Job Description
<Job Summary>A major Japanese trading company is looking for new sales staff to strengthen its sales department.The position will be primarily responsible for sales positions for Japanese clients.In the future, they would like to be entrusted with developing clients for Vietnamese companies as well.<Job description (details)>- Develop new customers (mainly customers in the assembling field) and new suppliers (mainly processing companies)- Build relationships with existing clients- Receive drawings from customers (mainly Japanese customers) then deploy to Vietnamese supplier- Co-operate with QC members at the company to improve management system for the supplier (For example: Improve ISO-related documents…)- Co-operate with Import-Export dept about the schedule for ship, scheduled for custom clearance- Guarantee delivery date, stock…. for current customer<Main Products>Machined components, metal products, electronic materials, chemical products, industrial machinery parts<Attractive points>- Many of the staff in the company are Japanese speakers, so they are able to work in Japanese.- Able to handle many products.- Not only sales, but also import/export and QA/QC knowledge and skills.
<What you will be offered>
- 13th month bonus
- Performance bonus
- Annual Leave
- Social Insurance
- Medical Insurance
- Medical health check-up
- Parking area
- Gasoline allowance
- Telephone allowance
*Allowances include Gross salary【自社採用】人材紹介コンサルタント/法人営業ID:11157
2,000 USD ~ 2,700 USDDist 1, HanoiJob Function
Sales Corporate
Job Description
【求人概要】Reeracoen Vietnamの自社採用求人です。2014年に設立し、日系企業のお客様や日本語スピーカーをお探しの外資系企業を中心に人材紹介サービスを展開しております。営業としてのミッションは、ベトナムに拠点を置く企業に対して人材採用の観点から事業課題・経営課題の解決を行うことです。課題のヒヤリングから適切な人材の提案、面接支援、入社手配まで総合的なサポートを行っていただきます。【具体的な担当業務】■法人営業・新規顧客の開拓、既存顧客のフォローアップ(主に日系企業をメインに担当、一部外資系企業の担当もあり)・顧客訪問、求人のヒアリング、求人票の作成、求人条件のすり合わせ、採用成功のための各種アドバイス・企業様への選考プロセスのサポート(人材の推薦、選考管理、入社フォローなど)・社内の求職者コンサルタントチームへの求人共有・内容のすり合わせ・オフラインコミュニティへの参加■営業企画・マーケット情報や労働法改正を早急にキャッチしウェビナー等でお客様への情報提供・休眠企業の掘り起こし施策・データ分析・その他、採用支援に関わる事務作業入社後は、パフォーマンスに応じて、チームリーダーやマネージャー、拠点責任者などマネジメントポジションへの昇格が可能。その他、求職者サイドのキャリアアドバイザー職への異動も可能。また希望があればReeracoenの他国への異動も可能。昇格、異動ともに実績あり。あなたのキャリアパス志向性に寄り添います。【当社で働く魅力】■圧倒的な成長ができます。パフォーマンスを出していただければ、どんどん業務をお渡しし裁量権(権限と責任)をもって業務に取り組んでいただけます。また、キャリアップもございますので、マネジメント経験を積むことができます。英語も使っていただきますので、語学面でも成長が見込めます。若い組織なので整備されていないことも多くこれから改善させていくことが多いです。そこに主体的にかかわり、一緒に変えていきたいというマインドをお持ちの方は大歓迎です。■人間関係がすこぶるいいです。若く成長意欲が高いメンバーがそろっており、明るく真面目で気持ちのいいコミュニケーションを取ることができるメンバーが大半です。複雑な人間関係等はほぼなく、皆で切磋琢磨しながら働くことが可能です。会社のご飯会やイベントごとにも積極的に参加しています。Reeracoen Wayという6つの弊社が大事にしている考えがあり、それが浸透しています。■利益が出ており持続可能性がある企業です。ベトナムにある日系人材紹介企業は大小含めると45社ほどございますが、大半は利益が出ておらず撤退/縮小等されています。当社は利益体質化できており、これからもベトナムマーケットで存在感を出すために投資していきますので、是非このフェーズでご入社いただければエキサイティングに働くことができると思います。
・海外医療保険 (日系クリニックも含めてキャッシュレスで利用可能)